Rising indie rock sensation Green Arthur (Peter Dorrien Traisci) is captivating audiences once again with his latest release, “Rest in Reverse”. Following the success of his previous single, “Pine Needles”, Green Arthur returns with an electrifying anthem that embodies his blend of indie and alternative rock.
Growing up surrounded by the timeless sounds of James Taylor, Bob Dylan, The Beatles and Carly Simon, Green Arthur’s musical journey has been deeply rooted in his childhood experiences. Now based in Newport, Rhode Island, he draws upon these influences to craft songs that resonate with authenticity and nostalgia.
“Rest in Reverse” is a testament to Green Arthur’s evolution as an artist. With its upbeat tempo and infectious energy, the track offers a fresh perspective on the search for meaning and self-acceptance. Green Arthur reflects, “Humans seek out pleasure in a million different ways. The song is about that search. I like the idea of using art to reclaim a childlike state. We all start out playful but some of that is lost along the way.”
The creation of “Rest in Reverse” was a collaborative effort that brought together a talented lineup of musicians. Originally conceived on acoustic guitar, the track underwent a transformation in Green Arthur’s home studio, culminating in a dynamic production featuring John Stirratt of Wilco on bass, Soren Burkum on drums and Wes Hutchinson overseeing the production process.
Green Arthur’s latest single is poised to resonate with fans of Wilco, Blur and Pavement, offering a compelling blend of introspection and catchy melodies. With “Rest in Reverse”, Green Arthur invites listeners on a journey of self-discovery and rediscovery, reminding us all to embrace the playful spirit within.
“Rest in Reverse” is out now on all platforms.